Samstag, 7. November 2015

X JOURNEY 2015 PHOTO CONTEST - Endstand - Final Results

Und die Sieger sind ...
And the winners are ...
DANKE sagen wir für die Teilnahme und Stimmenabgaben. THANKS for joining our contest and for the votes. Danke auch an alle Jurymitglieder, deren Wertung mit je 1/8 Stimme einfließen. Big thank you also to all jury members. They have done great job, their votes count each 1/8 of the total quota.

Alle Gewinner werden von uns per E-Mail informiert.  
All winners will be informed via E-Mail

Gratulation - Congratulation 
Die Gesamtwertung und die Siegerteams 
The Contest Result and winner teams

Tolle Bilder von Euch allen, wir sind stolz, dass Ihr mitgemacht habt, egal ob Amateur oder Profi - DANKE! Die Freude und den Spaß am Trekking, Wandern, Hiking haben. Great pictures of each of  you. We are very proud to have you in our contest, no matter if amateur or professional rider/photographer. THANKS! The  pictures show the joy and pleasure being hiking or trekking.
Und hier der Überblick CATEGORY Professional Photographer
and here the overview 

JURY Results:

Andreas: TEAM 5, TEAM 3, TEAM 2, TEAM 6, TEAM 9
Dirk: TEAM 5, TEAM 6, TEAM 3, TEAM 2, TEAM 9
Toni: TEAM 5, TEAM 3, TEAM 2, TEAM 6, TEAM 9
Florian: TEAM 5, TEAM 2, TEAM 3, TEAM 6, TEAM 9

Petra: TEAM 5, TEAM 6, TEAM 3, TEAM 2, TEAM 9
Beate: TEAM 5, TEAM 6, TEAM 3, TEAM 2, TEAM 9

FB Likes: TEAM 5 + TEAM 3, TEAM 6, TEAM 2 + TEAM 9

Total Results:
TEAM 5 = 80 points, TEAM 3 = 42 points, TEAM 6 = 31 points, TEAM 2 = 19 points, TEAM 9 = 8 points


Platz/place 1: CONGRATULATION TEAM 5:  
Profi Photographer: Bastian Morell
Location: Allgaeu Alps, German

Und hier der Überblick CATEGORY Amateur Photographer
and here the overview 

JURY Results:
Andreas: TEAM 8, TEAM 7, TEAM 4, TEAM 10, TEAM 1
Dirk: TEAM 7, TEAM 4, TEAM 1, TEAM 8, TEAM 10
Toni: TEAM 8, TEAM 7, TEAM 4, TEAM 10, TEAM 1
Florian: TEAM 8, TEAM 7, TEAM 1, TEAM 4, TEAM 10

Petra: TEAM 7, TEAM 4, TEAM 8, 
Beate: TEAM 7, TEAM 8, TEAM 4, TEAM 1, TEAM 10

FB Likes: TEAM 7, TEAM 1, TEAM 4, TEAM 8 + TEAM 10

Total Results:
TEAM 7 = 65 points, TEAM 8 = 42 points, TEAM 1 = 22 points, TEAM 4 = 27 points, TEAM 10 = 10 points


Platz/place 1: CONGRATULATION TEAM 7:  
Photographer Marius Schwager
Location: Finland, Austria

Noch einmal DANKE an Euch alle! Das nächste X JOURNEY Gewinnspiel startet am 26. Juni mit der Ausgabe 2016. Wenn Ihr Euch die nächste Ausgabe sichern wollt, dann könnt Ihr diese sofort vorbestellen hier: Bis bald mit Neuigkeiten von Eurem X JOURNEY & BACKLINE Team!

Again thanks a lot to you guys. The next X JOURNEY contest will start June 26th. If you like to safe your next issue of X JOURNEY, don't hesitate to order it now: Have a great winter time and see you soon!

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